"Responsible-Design@Grenoble" is an international semester project where future engineering designers face the challenge of considering the lifelong impact of products and processes in their day-to-day practices.
This semester allows students to experience Responsible Design through an international innovative project in collaboration with industry partners or applied research laboratories, and attend seminars on the key themes of production systems and 4.0 industry.
International student teams have to design innovative concepts of responsible products to tackle current and important challenges. Teams carry out projects all the way from defining design requirements to constructing numerical and functional prototypes ready for technical evaluation. They also have to define business plans for their innovative products.
School environment
Classes will be held at Grenoble INP - Génie industriel, UGA, the Industrial Engineering and Management School of the Grenoble Institute of Technology. Very well located in the city center, right next to the train station, the school is easily accessible.
- Technological Platforms of S.mart Grenoble Alpes, dedicated to:
- Design, Management & Simulation of Production Systems & Logistics
- Robotics & Automation
- Additive Manufacturing & Design For Additive Manufacturing
- Design Studio of the Future within Digital Worlds
- G-SCOP: Research Center in Integrated Design
Our objective is to propose innovation that includes social and environmental issues:
- User centered design
- Sustainable design
- Inclusive design
- Ethics & Responsibility
- Projects are suggested by partners and then refined with the teaching team
- Projects are of vital interest to our partners, they are real.
The final report will contain:
- Exploration and acquisition of concepts and values
- Models and drawings from the study phase
- Recommendations for future developments.
- Who should apply? Bac + 4
Entry requirements
- The programme is open to students who have a solid academic background in Engineering and at least a First Year of a Master's Degree (M1) (European Bologna process*)
- Excellent academic results
- English proficiency
- The International Semester in Responsible Design is an Exhange semester
- Students receive an international certificate upon successful completion of the project
* The purpose of the Bologna Process (or Bologna Accords) is the creation of the European Higher Education Area by making academic degree standards and quality assurance standards more comparable and compatible throughout Europe.
- Deadline: mid-November
One semester: February to June - 30 ECTS credits (ECTS: European Credit Transfer System)
Joint seminars
Seminars with practical activities on*:- Virtual reality
- Additive manufacturing
- Operation management
- Automation systems
They can also follow French language and culture classes.
* this list can evolve according to opportunities
Project example: Electrically Assisted Flexibone Hand
The aim was to develop a novel design for a low-cost, 3D printed, electronically assisted prosthesis for a transmetacarpal amputee. The design is the result of a collaboration between students from the University of Bath, England (Phil, Thomas, Jay, Sevinç), and the Team Gre-Nable, located at Grenoble, which is part of e-Nable France, a non-profit organisation which provides hands to people in need, particularly children with agenesis.Starting from previous developments, and especially from the “Flexibone” concept (Fig. 1) proposed by Gre-Nable, the students team developed a fully functional hand prosthesis dedicated to an amputee recipient.
Along the 5 months of project, they made an intensive survey about all aspects of prosthetic hand design, ergonomics, mechanical behaviour, motorization, sensors and command system, applicable solutions for each technical issue. They also conducted a lot of tests on a variety of prototypes in order to qualify the best solution for each aspect and assess the related performance. They finally reached a novel design that was published on Gre-Nable web site, and also referenced on the Open Source Hardware Repository of OSWHA under the reference FR000008. The prototype is shown on figure 2.
- Language of instruction English
- Internship abroad No
International exchange
Exchange semester
Contact for academic information
Useful information
46 avenue Felix Viallet
38031 Grenoble Cedex
Phone : +33 4 76 57 45 00
Fax : +33 4 76 57 47 93
On the web