Volumes horaires
- CM 27.0
- Projet -
- TD 27.0
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Crédits ECTS
Crédits ECTS 6.0
This course aims to reinforce the life cycle inventory analysis skills learned by students in 1st year and used in 2nd year. The main objective is to develop advanced LCA abilities, both theoretical and practical.
The program is designed to train engineering students to:
• Be able to model and analyze the advantages and disadvantages of implementing the circular economy
• Identify improvement areas for production models
• Conduct a life cycle assessment of products and processes using environmental, social and economic approaches
• Distinguish special forms of LCA and know when to use them (attributional and consequential LCA)
• Identify sources of uncertainty and variability
• Understand and perform impact calculations, using different tools such as SimaPro, OpenLCA or Phyton/Brightway2
• Be critical of LCA results from scientific publications and know how to use them to mitigate data gaps.
The training program is structured around 6 guided learning modules and a "case study" module. A brief introductory reminder of the LCA methodology will be presented at the beginning of the course.
This course will alternate theory (about 25% of the time) and practice. The theoretical bases learned during the course will be applied to the tutorial learning cases and the final case study. For the final project, students may use the software of their choice to perform the analysis (OpenLCA, SimaPro, Python/Brightway2 ). The work will be developed in teams.
PrérequisBasic knowledge of LCA methodology (possibility of self-learning level upgrade - foresee 8 hours)
Notions in statistics
Tutorial exercise using Phyton/Brightway2
Case studies presentation
Use of tools to analyze the study cases (SimaPro, OpenLCA, Phyton/Brightway2 )
Evaluation of the exercises proposed in a continuous assessment
Evaluation of the project
Final mark= 0,5*continious assessment + 0,5* Project
L'examen existe uniquement en anglais
Le cours est programmé dans ces filières :
- Cursus ingénieur - Master 2 GI SIE SOM - Semestre 9 (ce cours est donné uniquement en anglais
- Cursus ingénieur - Master 2 GI GID DPD - Semestre 9 (ce cours est donné uniquement en anglais
- Cursus ingénieur - Master 2 GI SIE SPD - Semestre 9 (ce cours est donné uniquement en anglais
- Cursus ingénieur - Master 2 GI GID GOD - Semestre 9 (ce cours est donné uniquement en anglais
- Cursus ingénieur - Ingénieur ICL - Semestre 9 (ce cours est donné uniquement en anglais
- Cursus ingénieur - Ingénieur IdP - Semestre 9 (ce cours est donné uniquement en anglais
- Cursus ingénieur - Ingénieur IPID - Semestre 9 (ce cours est donné uniquement en anglais
Code de l'enseignement : 5GUC4402
Langue(s) d'enseignement :
Vous pouvez retrouver ce cours dans la liste de tous les cours.
[1] M.M. Bjørnbet, S.S. Vildåsen, Life cycle assessment to ensure sustainability of circular business models in manufacturing, Sustain. 13 (2021).
[2] K. Tóth Szita, The application of life cycle assessment in circular economy, Hungarian Agric. Eng. (2017) 5–9.
[3] I. for E. and S. European Commission, Joint Research Centre, ILCD handbook. General guide for Lyfe Cycle Assessment-Detailed guidance, 2010.
[4] W. Ijassi, H. Ben Rejeb, P. Zwolinski, Environmental impact evaluation of co-products: decision-aid tool for allocation in LCA, Int. J. Life Cycle Assess. 26 (2021) 2199–2214.
[5] D.L. Schrijvers, P. Loubet, G. Sonnemann, Critical review of guidelines against a systematic framework with regard to consistency on allocation procedures for recycling in LCA, Int. J. Life Cycle Assess. 21 (2016) 994–1008.
[6] T. Schaubroeck, S. Schaubroeck, R. Heijungs, A. Zamagni, M. Brandão, E. Benetto, Attributional & Consequential Life Cycle Assessment: Definitions, Conceptual Characteristics and Modelling Restrictions, Sustainability. 13 (2021) 7386.
[7] W. Wei, P. Larrey-Lassalle, T. Faure, N. Dumoulin, P. Roux, J.-D. Mathias, How to Conduct a Proper Sensitivity Analysis in Life Cycle Assessment: Taking into Account Correlations within LCI Data and Interactions within the LCA Calculation Model, Environ. Sci. Technol. 49 (2015) 377–385.
[8] E. Igos, E. Benetto, R. Meyer, P. Baustert, B. Othoniel, How to treat uncertainties in life cycle assessment studies?, Int. J. Life Cycle Assess. 24 (2019) 794–807.
Programme pédagogique 2024-2025
Tronc commun 1ère année
Semestre 5 | Semestre 6
Filière ICL
Semestre 7 | Semestre 8 | Semestre 9 | Semestre 10
Filière IDP
Semestre 7 | Semestre 8 | Semestre 9 | Semestre 10
Parcours ingénieur statut apprenti
Filière IPID
Semestre 5 | Semestre 6 | Semestre 7 | Semestre 8 | Semestre 9 | Semestre 10
- Directeur des études
Pierre Lemaire - Responsable 1ère année
Abdourahim Sylla - Responsable filière ICL
Irène Gannaz - Responsable filière IDP
Yann Ledoux - Responsables filière IPID
Olivier Boissin
Nicolas Catusse
Equipe administrative
- Responsable scolarité
Laure Jouffray - Gestionnaire 1ère année
Valérie Demicheli - Gestionnaire 2ème année
Sylvie Malandrino - Gestionnaire 3ème année et parcours spéciaux
Léa Decombe - Gestionnaire Apprentis
Carina Cataldi