Cluster IEM Meeting 2017 at Grenoble INP – Génie industriel
Industrial Engineering of the Future?

Grenoble INP – Génie industriel (Industrial Engineering and Management school), the Grenoble INP GI Junior Enterprise and G-SCOP 10-year-anniversary organize at Grenoble in the frame of the CLUSTER IEM meeting a special event from 6 to 9 June 2017.
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The Industry of the Future concept is going to transform deeply the industrial companies in their internal organization and their product architectures but also in their relationships with the customers and the suppliers. This industrial transformation will ask for new competencies and knowledge for the industrial engineers of the future.

During 4 days from 6 to 9 June 2017, the members of Cluster IEM and guest attendees (industrialists, students and  researchers) are going to share about the Industrial Engineering of the future and the new trends to encapsulate in the educational curriculum of industrial engineers.

The meeting aims to:

• Elaborate a CLUSTER IEM strategic response to the development of the “Industry of the future (or 4.0)” in our countries. Take a step back to articulate a “shared vision” of what Industry of the Future is, its impact on our students future jobs and expected skills, and, as a consequence, on our Industrial Engineering and Management teaching curriculum. Focus on explicit consequences for our network.
• Bring out some specificities of each partner in connection with the “industry of the future (4.0)” that may attract our exchanged students. The aim is to articulate highlights for our international exchanges supply. The idea here is to define a core attractive difference for each partner and to design a 30 ECTS package per partner around this core. We’re clearly not looking for homogenized contents, though a standard format for semester exchanges would ease our exchange organization.
• Try to identify two or three projects of “shared courses” organized between two or three of our institutions. The idea here is to share resources within our network.
• Try to bring out one or two common projects such as special event e.g. summer (winter) school on IEM for the industry of the future. These would involve partners, students and companies.

To know more:
About the event and Grenoble INP Génie industriel: , Director
About the cluster IEM: Jeanne Duvallet, President.

Cellule Relations internationales

Mail contact de la cellule

Gestionnaire des Relations internationales
Nadia Dehemchi
Téléphone : +33 (0) 4 76 57 46 43

Responsable des Relations internationales
Zakaria Yahouni
Téléphone : +33(0)4 76 57 43 33