Génie industriel - Rubrique International - 2022

Génie Industriel : from Spain

No doubt Génie Industriel can make the most of your bubbly energy and cater for your thirst for knowledge and discoveries!
Génie industriel participates in a continuous process of self-affirmation. Knowledge accumulates along with experience... One day you are an intern in a leather flip-flop making company to sort out quality problems and the next you have become an expert at the process of gluing strapless sandals.

And then, one day, at the end of the statistics class, you decide to embark on a six-month Erasmus exchange in Barcelona. You are done for! You contract the travelling virus and your life irrevocably changes. Six months in Spain, a three-month internship in Tunisia, seven months in India… Each of these experiences has been unique and formative. I went away with my minimal knowledge and experience of life and came back from each place with countless riches and discoveries, an inestimable capital for my personal and professional life. Getting to know other cultures, learning to work in a different way, acquiring patience and tolerance, leaving one’s shell, abandoning one’s truth is the best way to go ahead!

During my last year of studies at the school, I got interested in Purchasing, a field I knew to be dynamic and international. I managed the training and then got an end of studies internship (PFE, Projet de Fin d’Etudes) in Purchasing with Louis Vuitton to prepare the spring-summer fashion show.

Following my three-month internship in Tunisia amid electric power stations and my seven-month academic stay in India studying environmental management, finding myself in Paris in an environment dedicated to luxury was somewhat violent but with a Génie industriel training one develops an incredible capacity to adapt to al kinds of industrial environments. The PFE is the first real life-size test of our training as professionals and it worked for me. I was able to tackle the responsibilities I was quickly given and so, acquire the confidence and autonomy necessary to face a real job.

I went on to work for Renault in Brazil in the Cost of Sales Department. I am still learning and adding to my Génie industriel package yet feeling lighter at every step.

Bon vent à vous et vivez pleinement !

Lilia BenSaidane (promo 2005)

Cellule Relations internationales

Mail contact de la cellule

Gestionnaire des Relations internationales
Nadia Dehemchi
Téléphone : +33 (0) 4 76 57 46 43

Responsable des Relations internationales
Zakaria Yahouni
Téléphone : +33(0)4 76 57 43 33