Génie industriel - Rubrique International - 2022

Génie Industriel : from Hong Kong

I went to Hog-Kong for a semester of studies at HKUST (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology) and an end of studies project with a small company in Hong Kong.

Facts and figures:
Hong Kong is an archipelago of some 260 islands in the South China Sea. British for 150 years, it became Chinese on July 1 1997 and is now the 4th town in China. It is at the Crossroads between Asia and Europe and according to the districts the lifestyle can be very westernized or very traditionally Chinese. The architecture is fascinating...
The town is literally crowded with any number of open-air markets everywhere and small restaurants galore. Hong Kong also boasts des magnificent beaches, mountains for hikers (but nothing to compare with the Alps in terms of altitude... the highest summit is under 1000 m).

Acquiring an international dimension:
The 4 months I spent at HKUST were an excellent way to complete my training while giving it an international dimension including a linguistic improvement in English and Mandarin of course but also an understanding of the local culture.

What an experience!
Hong Kong’s airport hosts many airlines and I could explore Asia enjoying sunrise over Mount Bromo’s sulphur vapours in Indonesia and the deserted great wall of China at nightfall, meeting Tibetan monk in a lamasery, discovering markets and dishes in Bangkok, Shanghai, Saigon, Ubud, Phnom Penh...

A professional asset:
Globalization is the order of the day and, professionally speaking, my experience in Hong-Kong is a definite advantage. When abroad I could think about my career plan. The job market in Hong Kong is extremely reactive and stimulating. This constantly challenging environment teems with opportunities. I took advantage of one of them. Next time it might be you!

Amélie Seure

Cellule Relations internationales

Mail contact de la cellule

Gestionnaire des Relations internationales
Nadia Dehemchi
Téléphone : +33 (0) 4 76 57 46 43

Responsable des Relations internationales
Zakaria Yahouni
Téléphone : +33(0)4 76 57 43 33