Number of hours
- Lectures 39.0
- Projects -
- Tutorials -
- Internship -
- Laboratory works 39.0
- Written tests -
ECTS 6.0
- Understanding Creativity, Ideation, Design, Innovation and major associated paradigms such as Open Innovation, Service Innovation and Business Model Innovation.
- Understanding the challenges of the Fuzzy Front End of Innovation as the key phase of successful innovations.
- Developing the capability of the deep understanding of needs and problems.
- Identification and characterization of stakeholders. Composing innovative teams.
- Knowing and using creativity methods for divergent ideation.
- Knowing and using convergence methods for shaping, prioritizing and selecting ideas.
- Methods for iteratively exploring design spaces based on prototyping and simulations.
- Selling one’s ideas and fostering entrepreneurship.
- Using social networks for innovation and entrepreneurship.
1) Creativity, Ideation, Design, Innovation and major associated paradigms
2) Design Thinking, the Design Process and the Fuzzy Front End of Innovation
3) Deep understanding of needs and problems
4) Stakeholder approach and innovative teams
5) Creativity methods for divergent ideation
6) Convergence methods for shaping, prioritizing and selecting ideas
7) Design space exploration, prototyping and simulation
8) Entrepreneurship and business networking
Basics in design methods (functional analysis, value analysis) or engineering projects, basics in marketing, team spirit and curiosity.
Evaluation is based on the creative design project. The final grade is calculated as follows:
- Continuous assessment of the project work and presention (25%)
- Final report (50%)
- Individual Multiple Choice Test Questions (25%)
50% continuous control (group work, same grade for each group member)
50% individual exam (on-line QCM)
The exam is given in english only
The course exists in the following branches:
- Curriculum - Master GI SIE program - Semester 8 (this course is given in english only
Course ID : WGUS2014
Course language(s):
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