Génie industriel - Rubrique Master - 2022

Master in Industrial Engineering

Discover the 3 programs of the Master in Industrial Engineering

Grenoble INP - Génie industriel offers a Master's degree in sustainable development and the transformation of our industry into a more responsible one.

The objective of this program is to train students, in an intercultural and international scientific environment, for careers in operational excellence, industry 4.0, innovation, and sustainable supply chain. 

We offer three programs for this master's degree, two of which are offered by the engineering School Grenoble INP - Génie industriel, UGA, and the last one is offered by the engineering School Grenoble INP - Pagora, UGA.

This master's degree is not open to professionals training (initial training only).
Génie industriel
Program: Gestion Industrielle Durable (GID) - French research oriented program
Program: Sustainable Industrial Engineering (SIE) - international program with specific fees
Program Sustainable printed electronics - Grenoble INP - Pagora

International programs :

Grenoble INP - Industrial Engineering offers 5 specific programmes with partner institutions. Students accepted into these partner programmes are integrated into the SIE Master's programme. 
These programmes offer them the opportunity to study at partner universities, share courses with European institutions or win prizes for excellence.

EIT Manufacturing MasterSchool EIT RawMaterials

Zero Defect Manufacturing
for a Circular Economy

EIT Parcours ZD
EIT-M Master's Program

  More d'informations  

Digital Manufacturing for Innovative Ecosystems

EIT-M Master's Program

  More d'informations  

SUMA : European Master Program
on Sustainable Materials 

  More d'informations  
Unite! University Graduate School

RE-SHAPE Master program

  More d'informations 

FUTURPROD Master program

  More d'informations 
 Educational programs 2024-2025 :
Programs GID 

Master 1
Semestre 7 | Semestre 8
Master 2 - Option Gestion des opérations durable
Semestre 9 | Semestre 10
Master 2 - Option Développement de produits durable
Semestre 9 | Semestre 10

Programs SIE

Master 1
Semestre 7 | Semestre 8
Master 2 - Option Sustainable Operation Management
Semestre 9 | Semestre 10
Master 2 - Option Sustainable Product Development
Semestre 9 | Semestre 10

Academic team

Director of the Master
Jean-François Boujut

Deputy director of the Master
Maria Di Mascolo

Fabien Mangione
Helmi Ben-Rejeb


Annabel Jourdan
Maryline Mazzon Teppoz

Grande école ?

Visite the School

City tour


Head of Masters' degree
Jean-François Boujut
Maria Di Mascolo
Admission of Masters' degree
Fabien Mangione
Helmi Ben-Rejeb
Secretary's office of Master's degree:
Annabel Jourdan
Maryline Mazzon-Teppoz
Tel: (+ 33) 4 76 57 47 18
International relations department:
Nadia Dehemchi