Génie industriel - Rubrique Formation - 2022

GINOVA Platform

A platform for innovation, design & prototyping managed by S.mart Grenoble Alpes

It was conjointly set up with Grenoble INP - Génie industriel and the G-SCOP Laboratory.
  • G-SCOP (Laboratoire des Sciences pour la Conception, l'Optimisation et la Production de Grenoble): Laboratory of Grenoble for Sciences of Conception, Optimisation and Production
Main objectives:
  • Education: provide students, professors and industrialists (on the Grenoble site) with technical equipment and resource materials.
  • Research: provide technical resources for research laboratories.
  • Development: provide companies, laboratories and training centres with tools fo r developing skills and resources.

Tools and technical equipment:

  • Engineering software: CAE, PDM, CAD (ProE, Catia)
  • Physical prototyping facilities: Rapid Prototyping, Machining
  • Design space
  • Remote collaborative engineering facilities
  • Video-conferencing system
  • Library
  • Project Management software


GINOVA Educational Manager
Philippe Marin

GINOVA Technical Manager
Alain Di Donato

S.mart Grenoble Alpes Managing Director
Frank Pourroy