Génie industriel - Rubrique Master - 2022

REsilience through Skills for Human-centered Advanced Production SystEms



  • Degree awarded Master
  • Mention
    • Industrial Engineering
  • Duration 2 years


RE-SHAPE (RE-SHAPing the PlanEt through a REsponsable Industry) is a European Master’s Program for educating Industrial Engineers to become committed actors in the sustainable re-industrialization of Europe.
It addresses the gap that currently exists between existing master's diplomas in contributive disciplines and technologies and the rapidly evolving skill needs in the re-industrialization process of Europe in the digital age.

While Industry 4.0 is already reshaping the industry in Europe mainly through a techno-economic lever, the challenge is to add an essential socio-ecologic dimension to the transformation. Europe needs new engineers with systemic skills and competencies to integer all the technical dimensions of manufacturing within ecologic, social and economic sustainability.

Born as an intrinsically joint initiative from the Unite! European University, RE-SHAPE capitalizes on the excellence of Grenoble INP-UGA, Politecnico di Torino, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Universidade de Lisboa, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, and the diversity of their existing educational programs, their top-level learning and teaching infrastructures, and their highly recognized services to students lives.

The unique RE-SHAPE program leans on a common year 1 to train students in the systemic approach in engineering, delivered by two entry universities, and five future-oriented specializations. 
Students will experience transnational interaction and integration through two mobility periods of one year, and a physical summer school. Transnational, joint teaching will be facilitated through the Unite! MetaCampus online platform.

The Master


The partners


Grenoble INP - Génie industriel

Grenoble INP – Génie industriel provides education for engineers and managers in industrial engineering for the design and management of supply chains and products for all sectors of the economy.
By combining skills in engineering sciences, data sciences, and human and social sciences, Génie Industriel provides learning to students who master the fundamentals of science for industry, with broad skills allowing them to transform industry for the greater good of society.

Génie Industriel plays an important role in international scientific networks, with the support of a group of industrial partners, and provides training for some 650 students in its engineering and master's programs. Génie Industriel benefits from and contributes to well-equipped technological platforms available on its campus.


Technical University Darmstadt

Technical University Darmstadt is one of Germany's leading technical universities. More than 300 professors, 4,500 employees and 25,000 students devote their talents and best efforts to the significant future research fields: energy, mobility, communications and information technologies, housing and living conditions. The wide variety of disciplines represented in 113 degree programs are all focused on technology, as viewed from the vantage point of engineering, the natural sciences, the humanities, and the social sciences, and cover the full range of academic endeavor, from the origination of basic concepts to practical, everyday applications.

Mechanical Engineering at TU Darmstadt is essentially formed by the people living and practicing it. This is the case, because we believe in people, their individual and unique ideas as well as our strength as a team! We practice an open and curious mindset and thereby prove again and again our ability to develop interand transdisciplinary ideas and solutions. With this approach we are capable to tackle and shape the major topics of the future. This is in line with our philosophy: shaping the future doing research as a team.


Universidade de Lisboa

ULisboa is the largest university in Portugal and, notwithstanding assessment methods or criteria, leads the main international rankings and is amongst the 200 best universities worldwide. ULisboa comprehend 18 Schools, educational and research units with self-governing bodies, including Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) – representing about 25% of the university - the largest and most reputed school of engineering, science and technology in Portugal.

IST offers BSc, MSc and PhD programmes, lifelong training and develops R&D and Innovation activities, essential to provide an education based on the top international standards. Its mission is expressed in the three functions which characterize the concept of a modern university: to generate knowledge, to provide skilled professionals and to transfer and apply knowledge and innovation by creating cutting-edge science and technology. IST consists of 3 campuses and 10 Departments. There are more than 11.500 full-year equivalent students, and about 1.500 full time equivalent teaching and non-teaching staff.

Research at IST is organized in 23 R&D Units and 8 Associate Laboratories that address a multidisciplinary research in an international and multicultural atmosphere. With its quality staff teams with managerial and leadership skills, along with its accomplished academic and research staff, IST has contributed to improve and change mindsets through strategic joint initiatives that aim to educate, shape and have a significant global impact for future generations.


Politecnico di Torino

Politecnico di Torino was founded in 1906 and has its roots in the Technical School for Engineers created in 1859. 
It is internationally ranked among the most important universities in Europe for engineering and architecture studies, with 38,700 students (out of which 20% are international students coming from 120 different countries).

Politecnico is a center of excellence for education and research in engineering, architecture, design and planning and it works in close cooperation with the socio-economic system. It is a comprehensive Research University where education and research complement each other and create synergies in order to address the needs of the economic system, of the local community and, above all, of its students. 

Politecnico is committed to a strong internationalization process of its teaching, research and technology transfer activities:  not only does it work in cooperation with the best universities and research centers in world, but it has also been signing agreements and contracts with important international corporations, as well as local businesses, meaning to be for the latter a focal point for innovation. 

Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

The Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech (UPC) is a public institution of research and higher education in the fields of engineering, architecture, sciences and technology, and one of the leading technical universities in Europe.
UPC has a wide spread presence in Catalonia, with nine campuses located in Barcelona and nearby towns: Castelldefels, Manresa, Sant Adrià de Besòs, Sant Cugat del Vallès, Terrassa, and Vilanova i la Geltrú.

One of the main poles of UPC is the ETSEIB (Escola Tècnica Superior d’Enginyeria Industrial de Barcelona). ETSEIB combines a long tradition with the spirit of renewal and continuous improvement, which has become one of the best engineering schools in Spain and a university of international benchmark.

ETSEIB’s mission is to serve society through high-quality training, research and technology and knowledge transfer in the field of industrial engineering to the highest degree of academic excellence. To this respect, the ETSEIB produces engineers who have a solid scientific grounding, a broad, multidisciplinary approach to engineering and a good knowledge of finance and management.


Unite! University
Unite! is a European University alliance of innovation, technology and engineering of nine universities connecting European regions of economic prospect, entrepreneurship and innovation. A strategic, agile and dynamic alliance of universities based on shared values with a common vision and mutual trust. Unite! commits to being a strong driving force for technology and innovation, a multilingual transeuropean campus that will train the experts and leaders that drive the digital and green transition.


Study Periods:

Students start in one of two partner universities (Grenoble INP-UGA, France; Technische Universität Darmstadt ) for the first year, then move on to another partner university for the second year. The second mobility period of one year (S3 & S4) is for their specialization and master thesis at the exit university, which must not be their entry university.

This scheme ensures a common basic level of competences on the one hand through the coordinated curriculum developed between Grenoble and Turin, and a high-level specialisation offered by each of the partners according to the particular needs and preferences of the students for the second year.

The organisation of study periods including the minimum mobility requirements and the mutual recognition of the learning outcomes/credits.

Innovative Elements

  • Teaching Factory approach: all RE-SHAPE consortium universities have cutting-edge I4.0/I5.0 teaching labs, allowing to blend theory and practice for an optimal learning experience and effect (dual approach).
  • Hybrid lectures: blending on-site teaching with on-line involvement allows proposing joint classes like the joint Unite! MAKES I4.0/5.0 class: students follow the class in “rotation” principle, i.e. parts of the class are taught at different universities, and broadcasted live to the others.
  • Unite! Meta-campus: this on-line meta-campus enables sharing of lecture content, following-online lectures (live and recorded), social networking, as well as the Virtual Student Fairs.


More information about UNITE!

Siteweb Unite! University : https://www.unite-university.eu

Siteweb Metacampus : https://metacampus.unite-university.eu


This program has received the support from the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region for its set-up. 



  • Who should apply? Bac + 3, Bac + 4

Entry requirements

Complete program and application process will be available Online in January 2024.


Academic information

Andreas Riel



  • Course duration 2 years


The RE-SHAPdiploma is composed of three clearly characterized programme pillars, balanced over any path chosen by the students:




  • Human-centric System Design (Grenoble INP-UGA):

    • Design for Personalisation. 
    • Digital Engineering and Simulation
  • Intelligent and Sustainable Robotics (ULisboa): 
    • Flexible and resilient manufacturing enabled by intelligent human-robot collaboration.
    • Cyber-physical Systems engineering and control. 
  • Management of Sustainability and Technology (POLITO): 
    • Human-oriented management of manufacturing technologies.
    • Management of sustainability in manufacturing and operations.
  • Innovative Production Engineering (TUDa): 
    • Flexible and sustainable manufacturing systems.
    • Advanced manufacturing technologies and processes.
  • Flexible Factories and Production Networks (UPC):
    • Flexible production facilities for increasing customization and human-orientation.
    • Flexible factories and resilient Supply Chains.

The overall joint curriculum and mobility concept is the following: 

  • 120 ECTS master programme. 
  • 30 ECTS per study semester. 
  • Every student spends one year at one particular university. 
    • This leads to Master 1 (M1), Semester 1 and 2 (S1, S2) in the Entry University: Grenoble INP or Technische Universität Darmstadt 
    • This leads to Master 2 (M2), Semester 3 and 4 (S3, S4) in the Exit University: all partner universities 
  • Successful M2 graduates receive two officially recognized Master (of Science) degrees (120 ECTS) issued by the Entry and Exit Universities (2 national degrees). 
    • The degrees are awarded upon completion of the two-year program. 
    • In addition, the students will receive upon completion of the programme, a Unite! Joint Diploma Supplement, signed by all the Unite! partner universitie
  • With students choosing as both Entry and Exit University one outside their home countries, they will have 2 full mobility periods
  • Students are accompanied in choosing the desired specialization and Entry-Exit University.

Joint lectures, projects and activities between the five partner universities : 

  • Joint Industry 4.0/5.0 RE-SHAPE course in S1 about the view on I4.0-5.0.
  • Joint summer school that focuses on communication, innovation, entrepreneurship, intercultural competences. This is an opportunity for first-year students to meet second-year students and to discover the universities the exit universities they do not know yet. 
  • The organization of virtual student fairs for students across the world. 
  • Joint integration project focused grouping together S4 students across all the RE-SHAPE master universities for creative engineering projects that are inspired by industry or research. Diverse and interdisciplinary approaches and ways of thinking shall lead to innovative project results that can be valorised by the students for creating impact. This project complements the master thesis that together account for 30 ECTS. 
  • Supervision of the Master thesis by the two chosen universities (entry and exit).


Head of Masters' degree
Jean-François Boujut
Maria Di Mascolo
Admission of Masters' degree
Fabien Mangione
Helmi Ben-Rejeb
Secretary's office of Master's degree:
Annabel Jourdan
Maryline Mazzon-Teppoz
Tel: (+ 33) 4 76 57 47 18
International relations department:
Nadia Dehemchi

Your contacts for academic information

Andreas Riel


Other institution(s) delivering the degree

- Politecnico di Torino,
- Technische Universität Darmstadt
- Universidade de Lisboa
- Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya.