Génie industriel - Rubrique Master - 2022

O defect Manufacture for a Circular Economy - Learning Opportunities

Zero Defect Manufacture for a Circular Economy is a combination of studying manufacturing science including physics of equipment and processes, data analysis, including the methodology to use gained process data in the context of process quality, and process management including the flexibility enabled for smaller lot production. 

The EIT Manufacturing Master School students will:
  • improve their knowledge on up to date manufacturing innovation and learn how to turn this knowledge into successful business; take part in events such as Summer Schools and Kick-offs;
  • exchange ideas with business partners and researchers at Co-Locations Centres (CLC) and during internships;
  • have access to renowned European research facilities;
  • earn double degree and the EIT Manufacturing Certificate.

During the programme students will gain new skills in these areas:
  • In manufacturing science, relevant fields include main thermal and mechanical processing technologies, with special reference to new processes with growing industrial importance and applied in different sectors, including automotive, aerospace, biomedical and energy.
  • In data analysis, relevant fields include modelling, monitoring and improvement methods to design and manage data in industrial and service scenarios.
  • In process management, relevant fields include analysis, design, and implementation of business and industrial processes as well as their business performance.

Students will have a solid background with well-founded scientific knowledge with a significant technical and application content, favouring immediate entrance to job market. Typical functions of a ZD engineer includes quality management, design and management of manufacturing processes, industrial installations as well as production and logistics systems, maintenance management.

A student who graduates from the Zero-Defect Manufacture for a Circular Economy programme (ZD) shall:
  • be able to implement the gained engineering expertise in ZD to create new or improved methods, techniques, products, and services in the field;
  • be able to think out-of-the-box to find innovative solutions to real-world problems and to come up with new ideas;
  • be able to draw up plans and to make decisions foreseeing future consequences from a scientific, ethical, and societal perspective;
  • be able to turn innovations in the area into feasible and successful business solutions;
  • be able to profitably work in small size teams and contexts by taking into account all relevant elements and showing effective decision-making and leadership abilities.

What partner universities are involved? 

Grenoble INP - Génie industriel (Grenoble, France)
Aalto University (Aalto), Finland (link https://www.aalto.fi/en)
Politecnico di Milano (POLIMI), Italy  (link https://www.polimi.it/en/)
TU Darmstadt, Germany (link https://www.tu-darmstadt.de/index.en.jsp)
University College Dublin (UCD), Ireland (link https://www.ucd.ie/)

The language of instruction will be English

Programme structure


The first year is spent at one university (entry) and second year at another (exit) university in two different European countries. There is a choice of 2 entry points and 1 exit point.

The following universities provide an entry year (first year):
Grenoble INP - Génie industriel, UGA, France
Aalto University (Aalto), Finland
Politecnico di Milano (POLIMI), Italy
University College Dublin (UCD), Ireland

The following parties provide an exit year (second year):
Aalto University (Aalto), Finland
Grenoble INP - Génie industriel, UGA, France

The two years programme (120 ECTS) includes an Innovation and Entrepreneurship (I&E) Module (30 ECTS) and a Technical Major Module (90 ECTS) structured as follows:
45 ECTS for Host Programme technical courses
15 ECTS for Host Programme AM specialization courses
30 ECTS for the I&E Module courses
30 ECTS for the Master thesis

What are the obtained diplomas?

2 Master degrees (issued by the entry and exit universities)
An EIT Label Certificate

For more information regarding the ECTS and the programme



Grenoble INP - Génie industriel
A! Alto university logo


Head of Masters' degree
Jean-François Boujut
Maria Di Mascolo
Admission of Masters' degree
Fabien Mangione
Helmi Ben-Rejeb
Secretary's office of Master's degree:
Annabel Jourdan
Maryline Mazzon-Teppoz
Tel: (+ 33) 4 76 57 47 18
International relations department:
Nadia Dehemchi