Number of hours
- Lectures 24.0
- Projects -
- Tutorials -
- Internship -
- Laboratory works 24.0
- Written tests -
ECTS 3.0
Introductory course to two main families of optimization problems: Scheduling and Transportation. These problems along with their modeling and solving approaches will be presented and illustrated through real-life case studies and research articles from sustainable manufacturing systems and supply chains.
- Scheduling on One machine : 6h
- Scheduling Parallel machines : 2h30
- Uncertainty and scheduling : 2h
- Facility loocation problems in transportation : 5h
- Transportation-Service network design : 5h30
Student presentations of research and technical papers : 3h
Student homeworks:
- Reading, understanding and preparation of the presentation of one research or technical article
- Scheduling and transportation projects
Basics in Computer Science (master at least one programming langage such as C/C++, Java or VBA, etc.
and algorithms).
3 marks for each student
Mark A: Reading of article (Scheduling or Transportation) with an oral presentation in trinomial (20 minutes of presentation + 10 minutes of questions) + 2 R/V synthesis of the article and the bibliographical contextualization
Mark CAT: 1 mark of continuous assessment in Transport based on Transport projects
Mark CAS: 1 mark of continuous assessment in Scheduling based on Scheduling projects
Final mark calculus = (A+CAT+CAS)/3
The exam is given in english only
The course exists in the following branches:
- Curriculum - Master GI SIE program - Semester 9 (this course is given in english only
Course ID : WGUS3035
Course language(s):
You can find this course among all other courses.
M.L. Pinedo, « Scheduling: theory, algorithms and systems », Springer, 2012.
K.R. Baker, « Introduction to sequencing and scheduling », John Wiley, NY, 1974.
J.C. Billaut, A. Moukrim, E. Sanlaville, « Flexibility and robustness in scheduling», Wiley, 2013.
Z. Drezner, H. Hamacher, « Facility Location: Applications and Theory », Springer, 2002.
R. Zanjirani Farahani, M. Hekmatfar, « Facility Location: Concepts, Models, Algorithms and Case Studies », Springer, 2009.
R.K. Ahuja, T.L. Magnanti, J. B. Orlin, « Network Flows: Theory, Algorithms and Applications », Prentice Hall, 1993.