Génie industriel - Rubrique Master - 2022

Testimonial of Ashidsha

Ashidsha Jaleel chose the Master’s in Sustainable Industrial Engineering at Grenoble INP - Génie Industriel for its focus on sustainability. Ashidsha is now an Industrial Application Engineer for a 3D Printer manufacturer in Munich, Germany.
Adidsha Please introduce yourself
My name is Ashidsha Jaleel. I come from India.

What is your current profession?
I am an Industrial Application Engineer for a 3D Printer manufacturer. My company's name is innovatiQ GmbH + Co KG. It is situated in Munich, Germany.

Could you explain your job responsibilities?
My job responsibilities are technical consulting with customers and sales teams to move the lead forward and close the deal, and to maintain and manage the industrial 3D printers at our facility.

What is your professional background?
My professional background is in Industrial Engineering.

What was your background before entering the Sustainable Industrial Engineering Master’s?
My background before entering this Master’s was in Manufacturing.

Why did you choose the Sustainable Industrial Engineering Master’s specifically and how did you hear about it?
The focus on sustainability was the key factor in choosing this course. And of course the research and tech developments in Grenoble gave me the motivation to come there and study. I heard about this course from my friend, who was a senior student of the SIE Master’s program.

In your opinion, what are the main strengths of the Sustainable Industrial Engineering Master’s program?
Topics in economics and global economic dynamics, and the plateau project were the most interesting areas for me.

What was the most challenging course or project you had at Génie Industriel?
The most challenging project was the Plateau Project. I learned the basic skills for my current job by involving in this project.

How did this Master’s prepare you for your career?
During the Master’s program I was able to do a few projects with the G-SCOP laboratory. The knowledge I gained from these projects was precious and this helped me a lot to land my job.

What do you think about the way of life in Grenoble and its area?
The life in Grenoble was very simple and hassle free. As the city was very international, I didn't have any problems during my stay in the city. The landscape is wonderful and I really enjoyed the mountains.

What advice would you give to a student from your country who would like to come and study here?
You should have a vision for your future and career before you come to study on the SIE program. The course is very vibrant and you can learn to use a lot of tools that would help you. It's for you to decide according to your interests and where to steer your career. The SIE program gives this complete flexibility and freedom.

Ashidsha Jaleel graduated in 2019.