On a European level, our network offers more than 40 trips abroad per year plus many cultural exchanges. Each trip is organised by a Local Group and the aim is to make it as cheap as possible so that the maximum number of students can afford to go. Spending time abroad is an enriching experience from both personal and professional points of view.

Part of your degree course can be spent abroad during your time at Génie industriel, either by studying at a foreign university or by working in a company. Spending time in foreign countries will help you develop a European network of contacts and will also help you improve your foreign languages.
Many other activities such as the prestigious TIMES event (Tournament in Management and Engineering Skills) are organised on a local level by the association and take place in English, so it is the perfect opportunity to practise this language in real-life situations.

Becoming a member of this network is an excellent chance to discover Europe from a personal and professional point of view, at the same time as having fun and meeting foreign students whilst speaking foreign languages, there is the possibility to create your European network by having regular contact with European companies. All of these opportunities are essential assets for your future career.
of open-minded students with a professional approach"