Curriculum->M1 Industrial Engineering->Semester 7
Courses and group of courses name | ECTS | hours per student |
English for Industrial Engineering - Semester 7 - 4GMC0615 3.0 24.0 Discrete Event Systems - 4GUL0105 6.0 60.0 Operations Research for Logistics - 4GUL0209 6.0 66.0 Management Systems 6.0 73.0 Information Systems Management - 4GML0415 3.0 37.0 Quality - 4GML0425 3.0 36.0
Market Research and Design Thinking Project 3.0 60.0 Market Research - 4GMC0515 1.5 16.5 Design Thinking Project - 4GML0525 1.5 43.5
Market Research and Management Accounting and Control 3.0 36.0 Management Accounting and Control - 4GMC0005 1.5 19.5 Market Research - 4GMC0515 1.5 16.5