Génie industriel - Rubrique Formation - 2022

Industrial Management - 3GUC1005

  • Number of hours

    • Lectures 21.0
    • Projects -
    • Tutorials 22.5
    • Internship -
    • Laboratory works 15.5
    • Written tests 4.0


    ECTS 6.0


  • Understand the principles of production planning
  • Apply and analyse infinite capacity planning tools.
  • Define an ergonomic assessment of a work situation
  • Carry out and implement an automated system




The aim of this course is to present tools which allow companies to be efficient in areas such as quality, cost, deadlines and environment.

  • Production Management (Lectures = 10.5 hours, Tutorials = 9 hours, Practical work = 4.5 hours)

    In this section traditional tools will be presented and then applied in the tutorials and practical work.
    • Planning levels
    • Management of production resources: MPR I et II
    • Just in Time (JIT) principles (Kanban, SMED, 5S...)
    • Stock management: Economic Order Quantity (EOQ)
  • Modelling and control of production lines (Lectures = 4.5h, Tutorials = 3h, Practical work = 8h)
    • Study of a specification language for sequential logic systems, application to the modelling of production systems.
    • Study of sensor and drive technologies, and communication protocols on an industrial production system.
    • Carrying out a practical test on the control of an automated line.
  • Ergonomics (Lectures = 6h, Tutorials = 7.5h)
    • Ergonomic analysis using grids.


No prerequisites needed


Continuous assessment (CC) = Study reports on tutorial classes

E1 = Final written exam from 1st exam period - duration 3 hours
E2 = Written exam from 2nd exam period - duration 3 hours

N1 = Final mark from 1st exam period
N2 = Final mark from 2nd exam period

N1 = 0,3*CC + 0,35*E1 + 0,35*E2
N2 = E2

Cette pondération est compatible avec une organisation des enseignements et des examens en distanciel


The course exists in the following branches:

  • Curriculum - Engineer student Bachelor - Semester 6
see the course schedule for 2024-2025

Additional Information

Course ID : 3GUC1005
Course language(s): FR

You can find this course among all other courses.


A. Courtois, M. Pillet, C. Martin-bonefous. "Gestion de production", Editions d'Organisation, 2006

V. Giard. "Gestion de la production et des flux", Economica, 2003.

D. Trentesaux and O. Sénéchal, "Conduite des systèmes de production manufacturière", Techniques de l'ingénieur, 2002


Academic staff
Head of studies: Pierre Lemaire
Head of 1st Year Program: Abdourahim Sylla
Head of Supply Chain Management Program: Irène Gannaz
Head of Product design Program: Yann Ledoux

Registrar's office
Head of Registrar's office: genie-industriel.scolarite@grenoble-inp.fr
Secretary's office 1st Year: Valérie Demicheli
Secretary's office 2nd Year: Sylvie Malandrino
Secretary's office 3rd Year: Léa Decombe
International relations department:
Nadia Dehemchi