Number of hours
- Lectures 12.0
- Projects -
- Tutorials 12.0
- Internship -
- Laboratory works -
- Written tests -
ECTS 2.0
- Students know methods and tools for understanding clients' needs, in order to design better products or services
- Understand approaches, methodologies and tools relative to Strategic & Operational Marketing
this module will be articulated around fundamentals of Strategic and Operational Marketing.
In complement, specific focus will be done on :
- Market analysis
- Place of market studies in marketing
- the different kinds of studies
- general methodology
* desk research
* field research
sampling, different ways to ask questions, questionnaire, question guid - treatment of informations
- analysis, synthesis, presenting the conclusions, recommend actions
- Functionnal analysis
- Value analysis
No specific pre requisits required, however some readings are recommended such as :
- White papers realtive to Marketing (available on internet)
- Marketing Stratégique et Opérationnel - 10e édition / La démarche marketing dans une perspective responsable / Jean-Jacques Lambin, Chantal de Moerloose
Final Exam (individual) at the end of the module (EEI)
Worksops and exercices during courses (individual and/or by group) (TDI/G)
Presentation using "keynotes" model on a specific and given Marketing topics (by group) (PKG)
Case study with oral presentation and booklet (by group) (ECPDG)
Catch-up only for final and individual exam
More than 3 absences (without justification) will lead to cancelation of continuous control/assessement, consequetly grade of 0 will apply.
module compatible with a remote/online organization of teaching and exams
Calcul de la note finale :
EEI*40% + (TDI/G + PKG)*10% + ECPDG*50%
The course exists in the following branches:
- Curriculum - Engineer IPID apprentice program - Semester 7
Course ID : 4GMA0323
Course language(s):
You can find this course among all other courses.
Marketing management, 11e édition de Philip Kotler, Bernard Dubois, Delphine Manceau
Mercator – Jacques Lendrevie / Denis Lindon
Le Grand Livre du Marketing digital – Rémy Marrone / Claire Gallic
French State controlled diploma conferring a Master's degree
Common Core presentation
Programme courses S5
Programme courses S6
Supply Chain Management
Programme presentation
Programme courses S7
Programme courses S8
Programme courses S9
Programme courses S10
Product Design
Programme presentation
Programme courses S7
Programme courses S8
Programme courses S9
Programme courses S10
Head of studies: Pierre Lemaire
Head of 1st Year Program: Abdourahim Sylla
Head of Supply Chain Management Program: Irène Gannaz
Head of Product design Program: Yann Ledoux
Registrar's office
Head of Registrar's office:
Secretary's office 1st Year: Valérie Demicheli
Secretary's office 2nd Year: Sylvie Malandrino
Secretary's office 3rd Year: Léa Decombe
International relations department:
Nadia Dehemchi