Génie industriel - Rubrique Formation - 2022

Materials & Sustainability - 4GMC13D1

  • Number of hours

    • Lectures 3.0
    • Projects -
    • Tutorials 3.0
    • Internship -
    • Laboratory works 6.0
    • Written tests 1.0


    ECTS 1.5


Understand a material and process selection problem by taking into account environmental aspects in a rational manner

Use the CES Granta Edupack software to process a case study




The course is structured around the following points:

  • a general introduction on the evolution of materials and design
  • definition of a strategy for the selection of materials (specifications, elimination, classification of materials with performance indices)
  • process selection strategy
  • methodology and available numerical tools (in particular EduPack CES)

during thelab sessions on the CES software:

  • the databases
  • the use of the method and the performance indices
  • application to the choice of materials and processes
  • life cycle analysis


report on a case study

N1 = 100%CC (CC : rapport)
N2 = 100%CC (CC : rapport)


The course exists in the following branches:

  • Curriculum - Engineer student Master SCM - Semester 7
  • Curriculum - Engineer student Master PD - Semester 7
see the course schedule for 2024-2025

Additional Information

Course ID : 4GMC13D1
Course language(s): FR

You can find this course among all other courses.


M.F. Ashby, Materials Selection In Mechanical Design, 624 pages
Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd; 3rd Revised edition (dec 2004)

Y. Bréchet, M.F. Ashby, L. Salvo, Sélection des matériaux et des procédés
de mise en oeuvre (TM volume 20) , 495 pages PPUR (2001)