Génie industriel - Rubrique Formation - 2022

Mechanics - 3GMC0325

  • Number of hours

    • Lectures 16.5
    • Projects -
    • Tutorials 16.5
    • Internship -
    • Laboratory works 4.5
    • Written tests 2.0


    ECTS 3.0


Propose simple models and solve simple cases in linear elasticity conditions.


Guillaume THOMANN


The course is based on elements of static behaviour of rigid bodies, stress modelling and boundary conditions.
Presentation of concepts of motion, deformation and stress in continuum mechanics (area studied: deformable solids).
Presentation of how to determine and use these concepts in product design and process.

Hypotheses on strength of materials and classical solutions to strengths of materials.

Practical work:
-Apply the methods in the case of linear elasticity.


General Mechanics


Practical work (CC) : marks from practical work done throughout the semester
Multiple-choice questionnaires (QCM) : average of the different questionnaires

E1 = Final written exam from 1st exam period
E2 = Written or oral exam from 2nd exam period

NB = Base mark
N1 = Final mark from 1st exam period
N2 = Final mark from 2nd exam period

N1 =
NB = 0,6*E1 + 0,3*TP + 0,1*QCM

N2 = E2


The course exists in the following branches:

  • Curriculum - Engineer student Bachelor - Semester 5
see the course schedule for 2019-2020

Additional Information

Course ID : 3GMC0325
Course language(s): FR

You can find this course among all other courses.


1. MANDEL J., Mécanique des Milieux continus – TOMES I & II – GAUTHIER-VILLARS ÉDITEUR. 1966.
2. MOREAU J.J., Mécanique Classique – TOME I & II – MASSON & CIE, 1969.
3. GERMAIN P., Mécanique – TOME I & II, X, Ecole Polytechnique, Ellipses, 1986.
4. AGATI P., ROSSETO M., Liaisons et Mécanismes, Dunod, 1994.
5. AGATI P., BRÉMONT Y., DELVILLE G., Mécanique du solide, Applications industrielles, Dunod, 1996.
6. AGATI P., MATTERA N., Mécanique Appliquée, Dunod, 2002.
7. Delaplace A.,Gatuingt F., Ragueneau F., Aide-mémoire de mécanique des structures Résistance des matériaux, Dunod, 2008.
8. AGATI P., LEROUGE F., ROSETTO M., Résistance des matériaux - Cours, exercices et applications industrielles, Dunod,2008.
9. Lemaitre J., Boucard P-A., Hild F., Résistance mécanique des solides Matériaux et structures, Dunod, 2007
10. Goulet J., Boutin J-P., Aide-mémoire de résistance des matériaux, Dunod, 1998.
11. Larralde J-P., Résistance des matériaux, Tome 1 : Sollicitations simples, Dunod, 1990
12. Timoshenko Stephen P., History of Strength of Materials: With a Brief Account of the History of Theory of Elasticity and Theory of Structure (Broché), Dover Publications; Édition : New Ed (septembre 1983).