Génie industriel - Rubrique Formation - 2022

Operations Research - 4GMA0623

  • Number of hours

    • Lectures 12.75
    • Projects -
    • Tutorials 12.75
    • Internship -
    • Laboratory works 31.5
    • Written tests -


    ECTS 3.0


The students are expected to
• Know, understand and to be able to apply the algorithms designed for fundamental problems of Operations Research: spanning tree, shortest paths, maximum flow, knapsack, ...
• Model an optimization problem in various frameworks: integer linear programming, graph theory and dynamic programming.


The course covers various topics:
• Integer Linear Programming
• Dynamic Programming
• Graph Theory
• Models for problems encountered in production planning and logistic

Implementation of the algorithms is made in Java and a case study also requires the use of a linear programming solver.


This class requires some background in computer science and algorithmic. Basic knowledge in java programming are required to implement the case study.


Continuous assessment: case study and online evaluation.
Final exam: written examination (2 hours)
Retake exam: written or oral examination

N1 = 40%CC + 60%EXAM1
N2 = 100%EXAM2


The course exists in the following branches:

  • Curriculum - Engineer IPID apprentice program - Semester 7
see the course schedule for 2024-2025

Additional Information

Course ID : 4GMA0623
Course language(s): FR

You can find this course among all other courses.


Programmation lineaire: 65 problèmes modélisés et résolus avec l'outil Visual Xpress. Christelle Guéret, Christian Prins et Marc Sevaux, Eyrolles, 2000.
Gestion de la production et des flux, Vincent Giard, Economica, 2003.
H. Stadtler and C. Kilger, Supply Chain Management and Advanced Planning, Springer, 2002.


Academic staff
Head of studies: Pierre Lemaire
Head of 1st Year Program: Abdourahim Sylla
Head of Supply Chain Management Program: Irène Gannaz
Head of Product design Program: Yann Ledoux

Registrar's office
Head of Registrar's office: genie-industriel.scolarite@grenoble-inp.fr
Secretary's office 1st Year: Valérie Demicheli
Secretary's office 2nd Year: Sylvie Malandrino
Secretary's office 3rd Year: Léa Decombe
International relations department:
Nadia Dehemchi