Génie industriel - Rubrique Formation - 2022

Case Study in Project Management - 4GML0825

  • Number of hours

    • Lectures -
    • Projects -
    • Tutorials 30.0
    • Internship -
    • Laboratory works -
    • Written tests -


    ECTS 3.0


Students will:
• Study project management subjects in more depth and do a case study on setting up a fish-farm.
• Have a clear, global vision of the main techniques of project management and master the different project stages.
• Be aware of how project organisation works and learn how to formalise communication and commitments between the stakeholders.
• Acquire the basic approaches needed to carry out a project.




• 1) Planning, organising, structuring the project
-Types of project organisation and stakeholder contribution
-Roles and responsibilities of the different stakeholders (OBS-Project Organisation Breakdown Structure)
-Redefining the objectives of a project
-The contractual framework
-The management plan of the project
-Launch note and the specifications of the project
-Phases, stages, steps, deliverables
-Project meetings, project reviews, project reports
-Programmes and projects, strategy and multi-project management

• 2) Project study and temporal, technical and economic feasibility
-Study the technical pre-feasibility of a project (choice of technical solutions)
-Defining needs: functional analysis and functional specifications
-Project structuring: product organisational structure chart (Product Breakdown Structure-PBS) and task organisational structure chart (Work Breakdown Structure-WBS)
-Project planning: production chart and reference planning
-Analyse, evaluate and manage the risks of the project
-Calculate estimated investment costs (Cost Breakdown Structure-CBS)
-Establish financial plan for the project
-Calculate the profitability of the project (return on investment)

• 3) Production launching
-Consult and select suppliers
-Implement the technical choices
-Organise the production work

• 4) Monitoring the project
-Progress of the project and cost curves
-Controlling costs and tracking expenditure
-Controlling modifications
-Dashboard, meeting on the project, meeting concerning the progress

• 5) Project management systems
-Handle documentation
-Manage configuration
-Capitalise on experience

• 6) Project management tools
-Office automation tools
-Tools for scheduling and monitoring a project using MS Project
-Department tools


  • Basics of Project Management Techniques.
  • Basics of Management Accounting and Control.


  • Final report of the "project management case study": teams of five students (a project manager, a systems engineer, a quality engineer, a person responsible for deadlines and another responsible for costs).
  • Continual assessment of the project reviews (presentations at the end of each important stage of the project).

  • Dossier final du projet global (Etude de cas) : par équipe projet de 5 étudiants (Chef de projet, ingénieur système, ingénieur qualité, responsable délais, responsable coûts)
  • Evaluation continue des revues de projet (présentations à chaque fin de phase projet)


The course exists in the following branches:

  • Curriculum - Engineer IPID apprentice program - Semester 7
see the course schedule for 2022-2023

Additional Information

Course ID : 4GML0825
Course language(s): FR

You can find this course among all other courses.


  • AFITEP, Dictionnaire du management de projet, 4e édition, 2000
  • AFITEP, Le management de projet : principes et pratique, 2e édition, 1998
  • Le Bissonnais J., Le management de projet de A à Z, 3e édition, 2003
  • Bourdichon P., L'ingénierie simultanée et la gestion des informations, Hermès,1994