Génie industriel - Rubrique Formation - 2022

Ergonomic Design : Use and Work Situations - 4GUC00A5

  • Number of hours

    • Lectures 15.0
    • Projects -
    • Tutorials 15.0
    • Internship -
    • Laboratory works -
    • Written tests 1.0


    ECTS 3.0


• Learn how to apply an ergonomic intervention approach to the management of an industrial and organisational project.
• Encourage and support the students' work in their field studies.


Sandrine CAROLY


• Ergonomic approach to design: overall presentation, design approach, implementation of the ergonomic intervention approach, analysis of demand, participation challenges
• Work analysis: from work observations to self-confrontation interviews
• Organisational simulation: methodology, visual aids/written texts, activities, issues
• Integrating health and security management into the on-going improvement process of the production management system: risk assessment and security management in a company
• Idea of 'multiskilling-job rotating' and alternating working patterns/hours
• Physical and psychological health issues related to team working methods in the work place.


S1: Sociology of work and organisational theory
S2: Operator internship


  • 1st exam period: written exam on a case study (100% of the mark)
  • 2nd exam period (resits): written exam on a case study (100% of the mark)

Rapport (R), Soutenance (S), Ecrit sur étude de cas école (E)

Examen de rattrapage (ER)

N1 = Note session 1 = 0.5 R + 0.2 S + 0.3 E
N2 = Note session 2 = ER


The course exists in the following branches:

  • Curriculum - Engineer student Master SCM - Semester 8
  • Curriculum - Engineer student Master PD - Semester 8
see the course schedule for 2024-2025

Additional Information

Course ID : 4GUC00A5
Course language(s): FR

You can find this course among all other courses.


Falzon, P. (2013). Ergonomie constructive. Paris : PUF.
Thebaut-Mony, A., Davezies, P., Vogel, L., Volkoff, S. (2015). Les risques du travail pour ne pas perdre sa vie à la gagner. Paris : la découverte.
Falzon, P. (2004). Ergonomie, Paris : PUF.
Guérin, F., Laville, A., Daniellou, F., Duraffourg, J., Kerguelen, A. (1997). Comprendre le travail pour le transformer. Lyon : Editions ANACT
Béguin, P., Weill-Fassina, A. (1997). La simulation en ergonomie : connaitre, agir et interagir. Toulouse : Edtions Octarès.