Génie industriel - Rubrique Formation - 2022

Organization Theory - 4GMC15E1

  • Number of hours

    • Lectures 9.0
    • Projects -
    • Tutorials 6.0
    • Internship -
    • Laboratory works -
    • Written tests 2.0


    ECTS 1.5


• This course is about managerial action and the design of organisations using knowledge from sociology.

• The aim of this course is for young industrial engineers to carry out a diagnostic of a particular situation, to develop their ability to think, criticise and analyse specific management situations. To understand learning mechanisms and how to contribute to modifying a project.




Subject 1: Deciding
• Limits of rationality in situations of uncertainty
• What is the role of the manager in decision making?

Subject 2: Leadership
• giving responsibilities, delegating, controlling
• motivating, negotiating

Subject 3: Developing transversality
• operational integration, how to objectify interdependencies
• diversity of knowledge and values??, how to improve understanding in a group and how to act collectively

Subject 4: Leading Change
• design a plan for change: avoid falling for gimmicks and fashion trends, take over the project, give a meaning to the project, understand and manage resistance, control learning processes, avoid "knowledge traps"

Tools for organisational diagnosis: process analysis, interdependence analysis, dysfunction analysis, sociograms.


S1: Sociology of Work S2


  • Assessment is based on a written exam and on a case study report.

Première session : 25 % de contrôle continu (cas à rendre, participation orale, assiduité)
75 % examen
Seconde session : 100 % examen

Cette pondération est compatible avec une organisation des enseignements et des examens en distanciel


The course exists in the following branches:

  • Curriculum - Engineer student Master SCM - Semester 7
  • Curriculum - Engineer student Master PD - Semester 7
see the course schedule for 2024-2025

Additional Information

Course ID : 4GMC15E1
Course language(s): FR

You can find this course among all other courses.


Friedberg E., Le Pouvoir et la Règle. Dynamique de l'action organisée, Seuil, Paris, 1993.
Nonaka I , « a dynamique theory of organizational knowledge creation ». Organization Science, 5/1, 1994, pp. 14-37
Moisdon J.C., du mode d'existence des outils de gestion, ouvrage collectif, Seli Arlsan, 1997.
Stewart R. Clegg, Cynthia Hardy, Thomas B. Lawrence and Walter R. Nord (Eds.) (2006) Handbook of organization studies, 2nd Edition. London: Sage.


Academic staff
Head of studies: Pierre Lemaire
Head of 1st Year Program: Abdourahim Sylla
Head of Supply Chain Management Program: Irène Gannaz
Head of Product design Program: Yann Ledoux

Registrar's office
Head of Registrar's office: genie-industriel.scolarite@grenoble-inp.fr
Secretary's office 1st Year: Valérie Demicheli
Secretary's office 2nd Year: Sylvie Malandrino
Secretary's office 3rd Year: Léa Decombe
International relations department:
Nadia Dehemchi