Génie industriel - Rubrique Formation - 2022

Production and operation management - 3GMAF352

  • Number of hours

    • Lectures 6.0
    • Projects -
    • Tutorials 6.0
    • Internship -
    • Laboratory works 18.0
    • Written tests -


    ECTS 2.0


The main objective of the class is to review and understand the major actors and levels of resources management in an enterprise and their interdependencies with a specific focus on production management from the Strategic level to the execution:
=> Strategy
=> Business Plan
=> Sales and Operations Plan
=> Master Scheduling
=> Detailed scheduling and Planning
=> Execution and Control
More specifically:
* Understand the resources planning process
* Understand the different flows
* Understand MRP planning process
* Know how to calculate a MRP grid
* Calculate and analyse a Kanban loop


Laurent RANNAZ


In this class, differents processes and tools used in order to manage resources for an enterprise will be explained.
More specifically tools traditionnaly used when managing production will be presented and applied under the form of Practical sessions (TP) and directed sessions (TD).
The following points will be adressed:

  • Structure and interdependancy of major processes
  • Planning Levels and processus
  • Execution Process
  • Production resources management: MRP
  • JIT principles will be reviewed with a specific focus on differences between MRP and Kanban
  • Scheduling and Mrp grid




A specific study of each enterprise welcoming a student will be requested
The previous study will be shared whithin groups and specificities selected and presented to the class
A final exam (MCQ)will finalized the evaluation

30% analyse entreprise + 20% Présentation en groupe + 50% Exam final
Cette pondération est compatible avec une organisation des enseignements et des examens en distanciel


The course exists in the following branches:

  • Curriculum - Engineer IPID apprentice program - Semester 6
see the course schedule for 2023-2024

Additional Information

Course ID : 3GMAF352
Course language(s): FR

You can find this course among all other courses.


"Gestion de production" de Alain Courtois, Maurice Pillet, Chantal Martin-bonefous
"Gestion de la production et des flux" de Vincent Giard