Number of hours
- Lectures 27.0
- Projects -
- Tutorials 27.0
- Internship -
- Laboratory works -
- Written tests -
ECTS 6.0
To be able to identify and setup good practices during Innovation and New Product Development Processes.
Analyze and Understand successful organizations for:
- Shortening Time to Market
- Being innovative
Analyze and Understand Mindsets and Behaviors supported by:
- Lean R&D philisophy
- Agile methods
- Critical Chain method
- Innovation Methodologies
Analyze and Understand key Roles in efficient R&D organizations:
- Chief Engineer
- Project Manager
- product Owner
- Scrum Master
- ...
1- Project Management in R&D – 2 slots
- Project governance
- New Product development Process
- Project preparation according to PMI standard
- Application to Study case (Olympic project, taxi drone based)
- Project execution according to PMI standard
2- Operational Excellence in R&D – 5 slots
- Wastes and added value in R&D
- Lean R&D
- Agile methods
- Critical Chain method
3- Innovation in R&D – 4 slots
- Success factors for innovation (interdisciplinarity, knowledge sharing, prototyping loops, …)
- Risk or main challenges for innovation? How to escape main stream? Dominant Design and how to manage rupture?
- What is making innovation successful business? Business plan, business model, Lean Start-Up
- Intrapreneurship, Corporate Entrepreneurship: how to innovation in the context of a complex organisation?
- Ambidextrous organization –(exploration – exploitation) (with industrial illustration?)
- Difference between Innovation Projects and Development Projects (with industrial?)
- Collaboration with the academic world – key success factors
- Client - Supplier collaboration during new development process
4- Back to Operational Excellence in R&D – 3 slots
- Voice Of The Customer
- RnDyneo Serious Games
Basic knowledge in R&D organization and Project Management
Basic knowledge in Innovation Methodologies:
- Design thinking
- Innovation Tournament
- K-C-P
50% Individual exam
50% Continuous monitoring and control (workshops - presentations)
50% Individual exam
50% Continuous monitoring and control (workshops presentation & working group)
The exam is given in english only
The course exists in the following branches:
- Curriculum - Master 2 GI SIE program - Semester 9 (this course is given in english only
- Curriculum - Engineer student Master SCM - Semester 9 (this course is given in english only
- Curriculum - Master 2 GI SIE program - Semester 9 (this course is given in english only
- Curriculum - - Semester 9 (this course is given in english only
- Curriculum - - Semester 9 (this course is given in english only
- Curriculum - Engineer IPID apprentice program - Semester 9 (this course is given in english only
- Curriculum - Engineer student Master PD - Semester 9 (this course is given in english only
Course ID : 5GUC3700
Course language(s):
You can find this course among all other courses.
D. G. Reinertsen, The principles of Product Development Flow. Second Generation Lean Product Development. Celeritas Publishing, 2009.
Mascitelli Ronald, Mastering Lean Product Development. A practical Event-Driven Process for Maximizing SPeed Profits, and Quality. Technology Perspectives, 2011.
J. M. Morgan and J. K. Liker, The Toyota Product Developement System: Integrating People Process and Technology. New York: Productivity press, 2006.
J. Oehmen and E. Rebentisch, “Waste in Lean Product Development,” LAI Pap. Ser., no. July, pp. 1–35, 2010.
R. C. Newbold, Management in the Fast Lane Applying the Theory of Constraints. CRC press Taylor & Francis Group, 1998.
L. P. Leach, “Critical chain project management improves project performance,” Proj. Manag. J., vol. 30, no. 2, pp. 39–51, 1999.
J. M. Morgan and J. K. Liker, Designing the Future. Mc Graw Hill Education., 2019.
J. G. March, “Exploration and exploitation in organizational learning,” Organ. Sci., vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 71–87, 1991.
French State controlled diploma conferring a Master's degree
Common Core presentation
Programme courses S5
Programme courses S6
Supply Chain Management
Programme presentation
Programme courses S7
Programme courses S8
Programme courses S9
Programme courses S10
Product Design
Programme presentation
Programme courses S7
Programme courses S8
Programme courses S9
Programme courses S10
Head of studies: Pierre Lemaire
Head of 1st Year Program: Abdourahim Sylla
Head of Supply Chain Management Program: Irène Gannaz
Head of Product design Program: Yann Ledoux
Registrar's office
Head of Registrar's office:
Secretary's office 1st Year: Valérie Demicheli
Secretary's office 2nd Year: Sylvie Malandrino
Secretary's office 3rd Year: Léa Decombe
International relations department:
Nadia Dehemchi